• Rejuvabeadssss



Una tecnología revolucionaria que repara temporalmente el cabello y las puntas abiertas.

Esta fórmula para el cuidado del cabello contiene REJUVENIQE® y trata de forma selectiva y repara temporalmente las puntas abiertas*, y otras zonas dañadas o estresadas del tallo piloso, para conseguir un cabello más fuerte, sano y resistente. Los efectos duran días y mejora con el uso continuo sin crear acumulación de grasa o pesadez.

*Pruebas independientes demostraron que REJUVABEADS® reparaba temporalmente el 100 % de las puntas abiertas de 3 mm de largo o menos un minuto después de la aplicación y que duraba de dos a tres lavados aproximadamente.

Lávate el cabello con tu champú y acondicionador MONAT favoritos.
Dependiendo de la longitud del cabello, aplica de una a tres dosis de REJUVABEADS® con moderación en medios y puntas del cabello húmedo.
Trabaja el producto desde la mitad hasta las puntas con las manos o usa un peine de dientes anchos.
Esperar un minuto. Peinar como de costumbre.
Retail: $65.00
VIP: $55.00


Average rating:

(based upon 41 reviews)


Definitely helps seal up my broken ends immediately


wow i cant possibly give this more stars or else i would. What a huge difference to my hair. My dead ends are healthier. I can tell the difference every time i apply it out of the shower. It's something that now that i have it, I have no idea how I lived without it. My hair has always been really weak and extremely breakable and now my ends are way stronger and my hair can stay longer instead of me having to cut my ends way too often because its extremely damaged. I couldn't be more grateful. Thank You Monat!!

One of my faves !

I apply it on my edges and my split ends. My hair has never look so healthier and shine. I have 4C coily hair.

Must have

Besides the intense repair shampoo and conditioner this is my MUST use product. From someone that flat ironed their hair everyday for over a decade, this def. helped bring some life back to my hair while I worked on repairing my fragile hair. Six months later of continually using this product (and ditched the flat iron for a dryer/volumizing hot hair brush) I hardly ever see any split ends- even my stylist asks me what my “trick” is.

Really Works!

This is a staple in my hair diet!! It really really does a great job at making split ends appear gone - and it’s not sticky or oily like other brands out there. This is one product I need to always have !

Use this religiously for split ends

This is the best product I have ever used for split ends. It makes your hair so soft and smooth and really mends the split ends

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